According to the CDC, drug overdose has been steadily on the rise since 1992. But, when the sudden and senseless demise involves a mother, the pain endures far beyond her death and touches the children that are left behind. 10 Celebrity Moms Who Died of a Drug Overdose 10 Celebrity Moms Who Died of a Drug Overdose 1. Dinah Washington (1963) The American singer and pianist, who has been cited … [Read more...]
12 Celebrity Moms with Bipolar Disorder
12 celebrity moms have shared their struggles with bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder, also known as bipolar affective disorder and manic-depressive illness, is a mental disorder characterized by periods of elevated mood and periods of depression. Manic episodes typically last a few days with decreased need for sleep, increased self-esteem, energy, and activity. During periods of depression there … [Read more...]
9 Celebrity Moms with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) And Other Rare Illnesses
Having a rare or serious illness can be a painful, sometimes lonely, journey. Anyone can be affected, young, old, rich or famous. These 9 celebrity moms are living with MS (multiple sclerosis) or other rare illnesses. 9 Celebrity Moms with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) And Other Rare Illnesses 1. Selma Blair (Multiple Sclerosis) Selma Blair was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2018 after … [Read more...]
13 Celebrities Who’ve Given a Child Up for Adoption
Giving a child up for adoption is no easy decision. In fact, it's probably one of the most painful acts a parent can make. The following 13 celebrities who've given a child up for adoption made a difficult choice. 13 Celebrities Who've Given a Child Up for Adoption 1. Rod Stewart The Australian rocker was “17 or 18” when he found out his girlfriend became pregnant, and they chose to give … [Read more...]
6 Celebrity Moms Who’ve Attempted Suicide
According to an estimated 1 person out of 25 who attempt suicide actually die, and celebrities are not immune to these harrowing statistics. After trying to take their own lives, these famous moms avoided death and lived to share their stories. 1. Halle Berry - In an interview with Parade magazine, Halle Berry opened up about a suicide attempt after her failed marriage to … [Read more...]
18 Celebrity Stillbirths
For most women, becoming pregnant is one of the happiest times of their lives. The excitement after feeling a baby’s kick inside a mom’s belly; the emotional thrill of hearing the heartbeat for the first time; trying to pick out that perfect name, all bring joyous thoughts and memorable anticipation to a woman’s ever evolving world. But, sometimes, late in a mother’s pregnancy, that beautiful life … [Read more...]
11 Celebrities Discuss Abusive Parents
According to child abuse is when a caregiver either fails to provide appropriate care (neglect), purposefully inflicts harm, or harms a child while disciplining him or her. Common forms of child abuse include neglect, physical assault, emotional abuse, and sexual assault. These 11 celebrities discuss details about their abusive parents. Related: Tips for Child Abuse … [Read more...]
5 Celebrity Moms Personally Affected by 9/11
The month of September is a time of year where we honor working people. It's also a period where we pay tribute to those innocent lives lost in one of the most tragic terrorist attacks of our time, a day we'll never forget, September 11th, 2001. The attacks killed 2,996 people and injured over 6,000 others and among the many stories told these five celebrity moms share theirs. 1. Gwyneth … [Read more...]
5 Celebrity Moms Talk Medication Relief for Anxiety
Anxiety is a normal and often healthy emotion, however, when a person regularly feels disproportionate levels of anxiety, it could become a medical disorder. Anxiety disorders lead to excessive nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worry. These famous moms are sharing their stories plus talk about medication relief. 1. Kristen Bell - In a 2019 Today interview, Kristen Bell spoke openly about her … [Read more...]
18 Celebrities Who’ve Suffered From Postpartum Depression
Celebrity mothers are no different than any other mom when it comes to the emotional roller coaster that accompanies parenthood. And, when you're a mom who happens to suffer from postpartum depression it's a wild ride most would rather avoid. Unfortunately, it's a sad reality that affects approximately 5-15% of women after childbirth. Below, are 18 celebrity mothers who've experienced … [Read more...]
Celebrities of Autistic Children Who Suspect Vaccines May Have Caused the Illness
Imagine the heartache a parent may feel getting a doctor's report that their child is autistic. Autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development, characterized in varying degrees by social interaction difficulties, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors. Although unproven, some believe there is a link between … [Read more...]
13 Celebrities Whose Children Died by Sudden and Bizarre Accidents
It's a parent's worst fear, the death of a child. It's a tragedy no mother or father wants to endure, and an unimaginable pain no person is immune to. These 13 celebrity parents lost a child due to sudden and tragic events. *This post contains affiliate links; we may net a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking a link, at no cost to you. Read our Disclosure Policy … [Read more...]
11 Celebrity Moms Who’ve Been in Prison
Although there are many more men in prison than women, the rate of growth for female imprisonment has been twice as high as that of men since 1980. Celebrities are not immune to any misfortune, including imprisonment, just ask these celebrity moms. 1. Martha Stewart – In March of 2004, The “Queen of Homemaking” Martha Stewart was found guilty of felony charges of conspiracy, obstruction of an … [Read more...]
33 Celebrities Who’ve Had Miscarriages
Miscarriage is the term used for a pregnancy that ends on its own, within the first 20 weeks of gestation, and, according to American Pregnancy Association, 10-25% of women experience this heartbreak. And although it’s the most common type of pregnancy loss, the impact felt is devastating, nonetheless. Below are 33 celebrity moms who’ve suffered through a miscarriage. 1. Carrie Underwood … [Read more...]
12 Celebrities Who’ve Been Raped
Rape is a difficult subject to talk about and even more painful for the one who's suffered through such a horrible experience. According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network 68% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police. These famous moms lived through the nightmare of rape; some found justice, most did not, but hopefully their story will in some way bring encouragement to those … [Read more...]
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