Are you trying to market and promote your business organically? It can be difficult to promote your products or services without having to pay for expensive marketing. Believe it or not, there are better, organic, ways to promote your business without relying on paid marketing. It is possible to market your business organically. Below are top ways to do that.
Top Ways to Market Your Business Organically
1. Market Your Business Using a Podcast – If you are an authority on any subject, you can start a podcast to parlay your knowledge to the world. Once you become an authority in your niche you can sell your services to your audience, whether it be coaching, online courses, merchandise, or anything else that you can monetize.
Related: Steps to Start a Podcast
2. Market Your Business Using a Blog – Just like starting a podcast, a blog gives you a platform to showcase your authority to a wide audience. Although ranking on Google and reaching a wide audience takes a lot of work, more work than a podcast, the rewards can be immeasurable.
Related: Top Reasons Your Business Needs a Blog
3. Market Your Business Using a YouTube Channel – You can market your business organically on YouTube. YouTube is a great way to add visibility to your brand. As a YouTuber you can create informative and entertaining videos related to your products, services or brand.
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4. Write for an Established Website – Contributing to a reputable blog in your niche, whether it’s a business magazine, like Forbes or Entrepreneur, or a parenting magazine like Baby Center or Parents, will not only increase your brand awareness but establish your authority in your industry. There is no shortage of top magazines or blogs looking for valuable content.
5. Promote Your Brand to the Media – You can market your business by getting in front of the media. Imagine the visibility you’ll receive if you reached out to your local news station or lifestyle show and talked about your business or services.
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6. Promote Your Business on Pinterest – Pinterest is a visual discovery engine for finding ideas like recipes, home and style inspiration, plus more. If done strategically, Pinterest is a great way to showcase your brand’s services or products organically. Assuming your business has a website to showcase your services or products, create unique pins on the platform that lead people back to your site.
7. Collaborate with Brands who Have Access to Your Ideal Client – Brands that already have access to your ideal client are likely to share a similar target audience. Collaborating allows you to tap into an audience that is already interested in products or services similar to yours. Partnering with these brands can greatly increase your organic reach.
There are other ways to market your business organically. The idea is to think outside the box. Look for creative ways that will lead your target audience to search for you organically.
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