Are you wondering which stay at home mom skills you can monetize? Stay at home moms are some of the most skilled workers in the world. Even if that statement doesn't translate into an actual statistic, many recognize that SAHM's handle a lot of responsibility. If stay at home moms earned an annual salary for all the jobs they perform on a daily basis, according to, they'd earn over … [Read more...]
Benefits of Speaking Affirming Words to Our Kids: 25 Affirming Phrases to Say Now!
On episode #33 of Time Out with Tinseltown Mom, I’ll be giving some Tinseltown Mom Tips that will hopefully help you navigate your parenting life a little easier. I’m going to talk about the benefits of regularly speaking words of affirmation to your children, and then I’ll share 25 affirming messages that we can consistently say to them, starting today. Our words have power, the power of life … [Read more...]