If you’re looking to gain more exposure for your blog, or bring in new followers, or perhaps just promote your product then networking is a key ingredient to your success. What better platform to rub elbows than on an established website that brings in millions of readers? These famous mom bloggers may be looking for contributors for their site, and you may just be exactly who they’re looking for.
1. Molly Sims – Former supermodel, Molly Sims, runs a beautiful lifestyle blog that is filled with valuable and insightful information. From health and wellness, beauty, fashion and lifestyle to entertaining, travel, decor and motherhood. CLICK HERE to apply for a contributor spot.
Related: Celebrity Moms Who Own Companies That May Be Hiring
2. Zooey Deschanel – Actress, Zooey Deschanel, co-founded her blog Hello Giggles, in 2011. The website is a positive online community for women covering DIY and crafting projects, beauty, friendship, sex & relationships, pop culture, pets, television & movies, nostalgia, and tips on savvy and stylish living that’s meant to inspire a smile. CLICK HERE and apply to become a contributor.
3. Rachel Zoe – The Zoe Report is a daily online style destination curated by stylist and editor-in-chief and distinguished designer Rachel Zoe. They cover everything from runway fashion and beauty trends to lifestyle ideas, styling tips and trend guides. If you have a product for their consideration CLICK HERE for the details.
4. Kimberly Elise – Launched by Hit the Floor actress, Kimberly Elise, KimberlyElise.com is a natural living blog with almost 2 million fans from around the world. The website is devoted to natural beauty, wellness, and healthy living and is designed to inspire readers to live conscience lives. As a vegan, the actress advocates cruelty-free, mindful, authentic living. If you’d like the opportunity to write for Elise’s blog CLICK HERE.
5. Alicia Silverstone – Another proud vegan is Clueless star Alicia Silverstone. On her website, The Kind Life, she offers interesting vegan recipes, fashion and beauty tips and even nutritional guidance. If you’d like the actress to test your product and possibly review it for her site CLICK HERE.
Related: Celebrity Moms with Websites We Love
6. Arianna Huffington – Author and syndicated columnist, Arianna Huffington, is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post. The site offers news, blogs, and original content and covers politics, business, entertainment, environment, technology, popular media, lifestyle, culture, comedy, healthy living, women’s interests, and local news. The website has 46 million monthly U.S. unique visitors and 78 million monthly global unique visitors. If you’d like to pitch a blog to them CLICK HERE.
Such a fun list! All of these blogs would be great for some additional exposure! 🙂
What a great idea and opportunity for exposure! Thank you for putting this together! xoxo
What a fab post!! Thank you so much for sharing this….I love to connect with others and this would be a great way to do it and get exposure….I love love love your blog!
I love this list! thanks so much! what a fun way to contribute! Thanks for sharing! xx
This is a great list, I will have a look! Thank you for sharing!! xx
What a great list. I checked each of their blogs out. I am so impressed by each these lovely ladies. I would love to apply to at least one of their blogs to be a contributor, but I don’t feel I write well enough. Thank you for sharing this great information . I enjoy reading your blog Tirralan, you always have fun and interesting articles to read!