Saved by the Bell is a comedic television show that aired for 4 seasons, from 1989-1993. The series follows a group of high-school friends, Zach (Mark-Paul Gosselaar), Screech (Dustin Diamond), Lisa (Lark Voorhies), Kelly (Tiffani-Amber Thiessen), Jessie (Elizabeth Berkley), and Slater (Mario Lopez), plus their principal, Mr. Belding, (Dennis Haskins) as they navigate life at California’s Bayside High School.
Six close friends keep the antics, and hilarity, going as they try to outwit one another when given the opportunity. Of course, there are the typical cheerleaders, jocks, nerds, rich kids, smart kids, plus other stereotypical teen types as the show provides entertainment for young audiences. The show is pretty lighthearted and fun but as with other teen shows, challenging, sometimes serious, subject matter arises like issues related to drinking and driving, drug addiction, and teen dating.
The show produced two spin-off series: Saved by the Bell: The College Years (1993–1994), Saved by the Bell: The New Class (1993–2000), and two TV movies, Saved by the Bell: Hawaiian Style (1992) and Saved by the Bell: Wedding in Las Vegas (1994).
Because every parent is unique and kids’ sensibilities and maturity vary, we always recommend that parents or guardians do their own research before allowing kids to start a new TV show. What is acceptable for one parent or child may not be for another. Our age recommendation for Saved by the Bell would be 10+.
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