On episode #12, motivated moms share inspiration behind rare disease TV show. Two moms, Carri Levy and Molly Mager, created a rare disease medical series called Behind The Mystery: Rare and Genetic, a recurring series on the award-winning show The Balancing Act that airs on Lifetime TV.
Today we’re going to be talking about how they were inspired to create this show over 8 years ago, plus, in honor of Rare Disease Day on Feb 29th, they are launching a new digital education campaign.
For the past eight years, Behind The Mystery has been bringing undiagnosed, misdiagnosed and complex medical conditions to the forefront by partnering with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies who are on a mission to educate the public, which should lead to earlier diagnosis, treatment and provide a community for people suffering from these disorders.
The Balancing Act’s website (thebalancingact.com/rare) is a valuable 24/7 resource for patients and doctors who want to learn more about the over 85 featured rare and genetic diseases on Behind The Mystery. The show airs on Lifetime at 7:30 am EST (check local listings).
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