Last month, Alyssa Milano shared a photo on social media of her breastfeeding her daughter Bella. While she received praise from moms who supported the public pics of her nursing her baby girl some found the images to be offensive. She stopped by CBS’s The Talk and dished on how those negative comments made her feel.
“I got really sad about it. Who are we that now we get upset as human beings if we see a woman feeding her baby? It’s crazy to me…But the coolest part, without a doubt, is that I got so much support from the women that do breastfeed…not only is it beautiful, it is a necessity… I’m feeding my kid.”
The Mistresses actress said she received hundreds of selfies from women breastfeeding their babies on her Twitter page, and that brought her joy.
“Meanwhile, we gotta look at Kim Kardashian’s butt all over the place…,” Aisha Tyler said, to which the other ladies shared the host’s sentiment. “That was my point…” Milano continued. “Everyone thought she was so brave.” (Milano was referring to Kim Kardashian’s recent nude magazine photos for Paper magazine).
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