On episode #53 of Time Out with Tinseltown Mom, I speak with Nellie Harden, a mom of four, plus a life and leadership coach. Nellie homeschools all four of her tween and teen girls, and today, we’re going to talk about the pros and cons of homeschooling. For more on Nellie visit www.nellieharden.com *If you've received value from any of my podcasts I'd love for you to head over to Apple and … [Read more...]
Social Anxiety in Teens with Dr. Jenny Yip
We are excited to have Dr. Jenny Yip join the show to discuss social anxiety in teens. On this episode, #4, Dr. Yip tells parents what to look for if they suspect their child may be suffering from social anxiety. Dr. Yip is a nationally recognized OCD, Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders, and anxiety expert. She has extensively trained in the field of OCD and Strategic Family Therapy and is … [Read more...]