Funny mom, Jenny McCarthy revealed that her 12-year-old son, Evan, who happens to be autistic, has been a victim of bullying. While chatting with her co-hosts on The View Monday, McCarthy explained that she signed Evan up in a typical camp and everyday he comes home and raves about it saying, ‘It’s great, I love. I’m making new friends.”
However, she received an e-mail from the camp saying that Evan was having a hard time making friends. She goes on to share that her son was actually making friends with the bullies, unaware that they were making fun of him. The kids may tap his shoulder and he turns around, and they’re not there, or they’ll ask him to put bugs down his pants and he obliges, while they laugh.
The 41-year-old was heartbroken when she asked her son who he sat next to in the cafeteria and he said, no one. “I ask for people to sit next to me, but they don’t want to,” her son admitted. Any mother can empathize with what McCarthy is going through. “It’s so wonderful that he’s not aware that kids are making fun of him, but at what point do I need to teach him… so he protects himself?” The television hosts ask.
Whoopi Goldberg, known for her sage advice suggested that Evan introduce McCarthy to some of his friends, and then have them introduce their parents to her, and while the kids are off playing have a conversation with the parents because they may be unaware.
This scenario may not be unique to many parents but it begs the difficult question. How would you handle it if it were your child?
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