Teleflora celebrates the 50th anniversary of “A Charlie Brown Christmas” and ensures you’ve got the perfect holiday gift for every character in your life. From ice skating with your best buds and catching snowflakes on your tongue, to decorating the not-so perfect Christmas tree and decking out your (dog) house with holiday lights… those special Christmas moments are magical.
This season, Teleflora joins Charlie Brown, Snoopy and the rest of the Peanuts gang in celebrating the 50th anniversary of one of the most beloved holiday favorites of all time, “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” Teleflora, the world’s leading flower delivery service, pays tribute to Charles Schulz’s unforgettable TV special with two exclusive floral bouquets and a festive lineup that is sure to delight everyone on your holiday list – from your blanket-toting bestie to your bossy big sister. Ideal for gifting, entertaining and decorating, each bouquet arrives professionally-arranged by a local florist, and is presented in a keepsake holiday container that is sure to be cherished for many Charlie Brown Christmases to come.
“Growing up, everyone has warm memories of the Peanuts gang and ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ and they watch the multi-generational masterpiece with their own children now,” said David Dancer, executive vice president, head of marketing at Teleflora. “We are honored to partner with Peanuts Worldwide in celebrating this landmark anniversary by unveiling our exclusive lineup of whimsical floral bouquets in collectible containers that commemorate cherished moments from the TV special.”
*Disclaimer: Although I did not receive monetary compensation for sharing this article I did receive a Snoopy’s Cookie Jar by Teleflora for the sole purpose of this post. Tinseltown Mom is also the National Brand Ambassador for Peanut’s Worldwide.*
This is such a fun little giveaway! The youth dance I just helped with and chaperoned was snoopy christmas themed 🙂
These are so cute! Thanks for the chance. 🙂
Both are so cute!
These Peanuts inspired goodies are too cute and beautiful with the flowers! Thanks for hosting the Giveaway!!
I LOVE all things Peanuts. I would love, love, love that snoopy doghouse flower vase. So cute!
That mug is the cutest mug I’ve ever seen and this is coming from a girl who made custom mugs for her friends this year and had a mug that was basically just Tweety birds face!