Growing Pains is a television sitcom that ran for seven seasons, from 1985-1992.
The show follows Dr. Seaver (Alan Thicke), a psychologist, and his wife Maggie Seaver (Joanna Kerns) a journalist, who are working hard and raising four children, Mike, (Kirk Cameron), Ben (Jeremy Miller), Carol (Tracey Gold), and Crissie (twins Kelsey and Kirsten Dohring and Ashley Johnson).
Growing Pains is a classic family show with positive messages throughout the series, making it a hit with parents.
As always, there are plenty of coming-of-age life lessons to talk about such as puberty, dating, romantic relationships, and death. There are also precautionary topics such as teen peer pressure relating to smoking, drinking, drugs, and sex. The kids regularly face tough choices but ultimately end up doing the right thing in the end.
Because every parent is unique and kids’ sensibilities and maturity vary, we always recommend that parents or guardians do their own research before allowing kids to start a new TV show. What is acceptable for one parent or child may not be for another. Our age recommendation for Growing Pains would be 10+.
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