It’s been some time since we’ve heard from our favorite Nanny, Jo Frost, but the family-fixer is back! Frost’s Nanny Jo Productions is teaming up with UP TV to produce a new original series, “Jo Frost: Nanny on Tour,” that will help families evolve through all stages of parenting from newborns and toddlers to tweens and teens. In the series, Jo will address many 21st century parental concerns, such as video game addiction, cyber-bullying, single parent stress, blended family feuds, social media and much more. Based on her highly successful international format, production has commenced in cities across the U.S. on ten one-hour episodes that will premiere on UP during the first quarter of 2016.
In the new UP series, Jo will travel to a new city each week and work with one family that desperately needs her expertise. Before she arrives, she will monitor the family’s behavior from her mobile RV office, via surveillance cameras which the family agrees to have placed throughout their home, and then will hit the ground running. Using a combination of well-honed techniques, sincerity, love and humor, Jo will pinpoint each family’s challenges and give parents practical tools that they can implement on their own. Jo will make sure each family stays on track with the homework assignments they are given and will rejoice in their progress and counsel them during setbacks.
In addition to working one-on-one with families, Jo will also travel into communities, dispensing her advice and delivering quick fixes on the spot, in places such as shopping malls, airports, parks, schools and other town centers. Wherever there are parents in need, Jo will be there on a mission to save America’s families – one community at a time!
Jo says, “I have spent the last 11 years committed to helping families across America. I am privileged and honored to join with UP to have the opportunity to continue my purpose traveling to different communities across the United States to not only help families one-on-one but, to take what I do to the next level and bring to the forefront the importance of providing a public service to many families in a community. This ‘factuality’ series will enable me to gain great insight and give staple advice by breaking the fourth wall and showing viewers the importance of addressing every family member if need be. My new mobile RV office creates the perfect environment as I tour around America being instrumental in helping families who feel they are in helpless situations so that they can transform into a much improved version of themselves.”
Production on “Jo Frost: Nanny on Tour” will begin in the southeast and will travel across the country as Jo helps families in need.
Casting for the series is still in progress. Interested parents who are seeking advice and who would like to be considered for Jo’s new series may submit their request by Filling Out an Application or at
In addition to “Supernanny,” Frost’s highly effective methods of child-rearing have been seen by millions worldwide on such popular TV shows as “Jo Frost: Family Matters,” “Family SOS” and the international series, “Jo Frost Nanny on Tour.” The Supernanny is also a New York Times bestseller and the author of several insightful parenting guides, including her newest book, Jo Frost’s Toddler Rules.
Wow, that’s awesome! I know just the German version of ‘Supernanny’. Thank you for sharing! xoxo Lara
I love her!! We used to watch Super Nanny all of the time. When we adopted our very difficult son, her lessons were right there with me. I can’t wait to check out the new show.
Awesome, I’m interested in seeing where she ends up traveling to. I have two of her books in my lending library for clients, and have enjoyed her shows in the past. I’m even considering applying, but not sure if I want to see my family issues broadcast!
Me to! I love supernanny Jo Frost! She is amazing! I would love to meet her so she can tell my younger brother Evan Kenneth Burt to stop calling me names like fatty because that always hurts my feelings and my mom and dad don’t do anything to stop him!
I’m your biggest kid fan ever I can’t wait for your new show I need help with my sister she always argues with me and it hits worse each day but my parents won’t let me ask you to come they would get mad at me for asking you to come and question how long will you stay in a house for on your new show Jo frost!!!! I love you nanny Jo your the best and help me with my sister!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wish there was a list of towns she was going to stop at. We would love to meet and ask a few questions.
Super nanny I need help it’s me socorroa I am 12 years old and I have problems that needs to be settled
Hey supernanny my family really needs your help. I am my mom’s oldest daughter I have two younger sister’s and one brother. The middle child is always saying no one cares about her, she just started saying that she should be dead. WE NEED YOU SUPERNANNY!!!!
I need Jojo’s help majorly……
Please come to my house
My family can definitely make a great episode
Hi jojo I need help because my kids do not respect me at all
Hi JoJo come to my house and help me
Hi JoJo come to my house and help me please
Hi JoJo come to my house and help me please
Ok and help my Family see you at 6pm
Please come to my house JoJo I need your help
My family needs supernaney I’m the oldest child I’m 20 my brother is 13 he’s really bad
My son has ocd and says he doesn’t like his self for being that way it really hurts he has low self asteam and we just need to know how to handle him we try not to say anything when he wash’s his hand too much or Always wants clean cloths new towel and wash rag everything needs to be wiped off with alcohol before he touches it please help
Hi I understand it is hard
Hello Jo!
Can you tell me how to apply for your services? I desperately need help with my kid! I’d very much appreciate it. Thanks!
I need your help. I have a four year old who is unruly and disrespectful. He screams and crys when he don’t get his way. Always messing with stuff he knows he’s not allowed to touch and don’t care. He will laugh in your face when you are getting after him. He always talk even when he has be asked to stop. I am at the end of my rope please help.
super nanny,
My cousin has an eight year and a baby on the way and has NO idea how to control her angry, out of control son. Please help!!
Hi Supernanny! I am a single parent of four beautiful children. My family is in utter turmoil! I am in the middle of a nasty divorce, my house is in foreclosure, My son has a mild case of cerebral palsy and is fully functional. His rights have been stripped from the pending divorce proceedings. the courts are saying he is incapacitated, so that that can take guardianship of the monies he should have received when he turned eighteen. My two youngest are not attending school.. All three girls are OUT OF CONTROL! There is only so much one person can handle. I am desperate for your help. Staten Island, NY. God Bless ‘Super Nanny”!
My four year old grandson is ruling the roost of two add parents who are in there mid thirtys .
My Grandson is very impulsive and beats his father daily!
No time outs work or throwing out his favorite toys out
He is a late talker and shows no fear!
He is difiant and his Motherbinsists home schooling him without any formal education and refuses having him evaluated!
I need you to come to my house in our house we have 2 children 1 girl and l boy the girl is 9 and the boy is 4 turning 5 i ned you to come he dosnt listen to any of us we live i the grand cayman islands please we need your help we live in west bay conch point apartment 6 ..
Please help us
Hi supernanny, I am a 13 year old girl and I think my family needs a lot of help
hi super nanny i watch your show a lot my name is Mary McNany i am 14 years old and my brothers Jack and Finn are a handful of nightmares. they wrestle, fight, talk back to my parents Margaret and Ryan. i am a freshman in high school and i am trusted to stay home alone while my brothers create havoc. i really need your help
I need help with my family. My mom yells at the kids all the time they hardly have any kind of discipline. I give them as much discipline as I can as a big sister but I can’t do much. Supernanny please help me and my family
Hi my name is Christina i got a 7 year old and a 3 year old I need help
Hi my name is Sarah I live in Sioux city Iowa I’m a single mom and I have 4 kids 2 boys and too girls my oldest son is 8 my youngest son is 4 and my older daughter is 5 my youngest daughter is two my family have bean through a lot the last couple of years im struggling with a lot of financle problems and behavior problems with my kid there dad is no long in there life he’s in prison and will never ever be in our lives ever again and my mom past away not long ago i really need help its attachments struggle every day and have real big issues with my 8 year old if you could help me I’d be super greatful
Hey we need your help supernanny I have a sister who is having a baby soon and my nephews are Jacob and joshua they are rotten and they love the attention!!
I am really worried about my grandson. He wont go to the toilet..(no2) he holds it in…until it runs down his legs..doctors wont help..he is 7 yrs old in couple weeks and i know he is very embarassed with this..but also very clever at disguising his problem…i have tried alot of things but no joy..i have him at weekends and all weekend is spent with him in and out of toilet getting cleaned up..i fear he is doing himself alot of damage as he rolls about with pains in his stomach…any advice or help would be greatly apreciated..
Hay super nanny I need help me and my siblings have problems my sisters is not being nice my brothers is stopping bodiles and potty traning and myne is fighting with my sister and brother but we all fight with each other myne also is going off my phone please help us we live at 8 janson court whitby Ontario Canada
Your awesome supernanny
I need your advise supernanny
I love what you doing
We having issues with my 2 years old son he don’t want eat, he’s low temp and turn aggressive to us.
We trying to feed him with nutritive food but he refuse to eat but he loves to eat sweet things and milk
Also we have a 10 month baby girl and she love eat.
We don’t know what to do?
We need your help please
I enjoy watching your shows, i could use some advice on raising three teenagers two girls and a boy. 16,14,13, thats disrespectful to me amd each other.
i hope to see more episode dealing with multiple sibles and teenagers so i can get some ideas.
can’t wait to watch your new show.
Please help! Single mom of 4 amazing children. One is a defiant nightmare I’d like to learn how to tame. She’s 9.5 years old and demonstrates extreme attention seeking behavior. I would be forever grateful if you could help us.
My sister has 2 children that are a handful. They have so many issues at school she is unable to work a full time job. She would be very grateful if you could help them.
My sister is so mean her names kayla she is 13 and she thinks she is the queen she has a little possy who defends her so she is always right she is so mean she is a brat whenever we play games with the neighbors she says blah blah blah get me this and blah blah blah get me that she’s so bossy all the time I know your not ever going to read this and if you are I’m not going to share my information about me and everything because you will never read this I just want you to know that I love you!
Hi super nanny I really need your help with my dad he is so aggressive and horrible and always shouts he hates me and my sister and is starting to turn on his pressous boy and my brother is starting to copy him the tricky thing is is I have adhd and autism and a load of medical conditions and me and my brother both have feeding tubes and bags but my dad doesn’t care about that and he is so depressed but he won’t own up to it and get help and my mum who has an artificial leg who is on morphine helps me but the is only so much she can do untill she has a mental breakdown please please help I’m desperate thank you
Just would like a little advice on raising my 2 year old grandson alone please
Hey Heidi bell, my name is karla I want you to know I’m proud of you even though I don’t know you. You just hang in there and things will be OK, and don’t ever blame yourself the things that other people do.. Stay strong..
How to not get in trouble
I really like jo frost i like her vidoes
Hi my name is katy i am 11 years old and i needed help from supernanny because my mom keeps blaming that i dont do anything because i have a 2 year old brother and she tells me i cant do anything but im the who has to be taking care of him
Requesting help for my sister-in law and nieces. Things are getting way out of hand!
My 3year old hits me hits his brother refuses to do what he’s told fight me over anything I yell him yo do it takes hours to get him in bed and asleep. I’m at a loss on what to do! I’m a single mom with 2boys and I have run out of things to try. Nothing works!! Please come to my house!!
I need you to come to my house because I got three girls that misbehave
I know this post was was from a couple years ago, but we could def use some of you expertise. I am 34 y/o with 2 children. 1 of my children have ADHD and he has his and good bad moments. My daughter is mean, she pretty much ruled the house. She kicks, hits, and screams at me, only me, she doesnt hit my husband. My husband and I dont have the best relationship either and it makes things even worse. Things have gotten so bad to the point that it is hard for me to even enjoy them. I dread what the next day is going to hold because I dont know what mood they will be in. Plus my husband does not use the best language when speaking to them. I work full time, my husband does to but is home more. Everything is my fault in his eyes because that is the type of person he is. I would just love advice in anyway that I can get. I dont want to dread being around my family and not be able to enjoy life while they are still young. Please help!!!
I really need jo frost to come to me to help me with my problems
mother father brother brother sister
chariton charity chayton chilton lvan bruce
My best friend is in desperate need of Jo coming to her house! She has tried everything. She has 4 children and her kids are OUT of control. I promise this could be your biggest challenge yet!
My sister and her husband are in desperate need of help. They have adopted their grandson from birth as his parents were alcoholics. She can’t cope with their grandsons behaviour but put his behaviour down to his faetal alcohol syndrome when really it is that and just being naughty sometimes. He kicks punches bites his sister and his parents. School can’t cope with him and my sister and her husband also have another adopted granddaughter who minipulates the situation further. I am scared my sister and her partially blind and deaf husband won’t survive much longer without help. Their grandson is 6 and grandaughter is 7. My sister is 50 and her husband is 54. Please help they are so gentle and kind but very very tired. Thank you
hi ive watched your program and love it and how you work with children im so impressed with you and I really would appreate it if you can please tell me how to get in touch with you I really could use your services my name is Vivian my email is vstakenburg83@ thank you very much ..
I have watched your show for years. I have 6 children ranging from 1-20. I really need help with our almost 4 yr old. She is so disrespectful along with my 13 and 17 year old. I am sure she is getting some of her habits from the older kids in the house. I know I need help with myself as well. If you could help I would love the advice.
Hi I am 11 and I need help me and my mom are growing apart and me and my sister’s and brother and me do not get a lonfe
Hi I am 11 and I need help me and my mom are growing apart and me and my sister’s and brother and me do not get a long please help me
i need you to com now pess my and my sis and my sis and mom pes
I know you
Hope your safe