Today on Time Out with Tinseltown Mom, I’m replaying episode #35 where I speak with Harvard-trained Psychiatrists, Dr. Carlin Barnes and Dr. Marketa Wills who’ve authored a practical guide to help people better understand how to deal with the growing mental health crisis.
On this episode, we talk about how to determine if the mother in your life is suffering with mental illness and practical ways you can help. We also discuss the stigma behind mental illness, and the most common types there are.
In their book, Understanding Mental Illness: A Comprehensive Guide to Mental Health Disorders for Family and Friends, Dr. Barnes and Dr. Wills provide an easy-to-understand guide to explaining mental illness in a conversational way for all readers.
For more on Dr. Barnes and Dr. Wills, or to purchase their book, you can reach them at: or on Instagram at: Dr. Marketa Wills / Dr. Carlin Barnes
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This information is so helpful! Thank you for addressing this issue! Gardening has really helped me in COVID! Creativity and my fur babies also brings balance & ease!