Laboring and delivering a baby without the intervention of pain medication can be a beautiful, natural, occurrence for mothers, but it also comes with its share of challenges. The joys and pains that come with the toil of labor, and the triumph of a medication-free delivery is rewarding. 1. Jessica Alba – Jessica Alba said the process of natural childbirth was very intense, and even more … [Read more...]
Celebrities with Autistic Kids Who Suspect Vaccines Played a Role
Imagine the heartache a parent may feel getting a doctor's report that their child is autistic. Autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development, characterized in varying degrees by social interaction difficulties, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors. Although unproven, some believe there is a link between … [Read more...]
10 Celebrities Who’ve Discussed Spanking Their Kids
Whether you're a celebrity or not, when it comes to discipline every parent has their own method of what works best for their household. When spanking is involved, many choose to stay mum on the controversial subject. While feelings or positions change over time, these famous faces have taken a pro-spanking approach at some point in their parenting journey. *This post contains affiliate … [Read more...]
8 Oldest First-Time Celebrity Dads
While most people plan for their retirement when entering into their golden years, some prepare for parenthood like some of Hollywood's oldest first-time celebrity dads. But, no matter when a new bundle of joy enters this world it is a blessing at any age. 8 Oldest First-Time Celebrity Dads 1. Simon Cowell - Simon Cowell became a first-time dad at the age of 53, and revealed he was reduced … [Read more...]
13 Celebrity Moms Who’ve Homeschooled Their Kids
To homeschool or not to homeschool? That is the question some parents, including famous ones, have agonized over. And, according to studies, the top three reasons parents in the United States choose to homeschool include: school environment concerns, the desire to provide religious or moral direction, and dissatisfaction with the academic instruction at public and private schools. Yet, even … [Read more...]
13 Celebrities Whose Children Died by Sudden and Bizarre Accidents
It's a parent's worst fear, the death of a child. It's a tragedy no mother or father wants to endure, and an unimaginable pain no person is immune to. These 13 celebrity parents lost a child due to sudden and tragic events. *This post contains affiliate links; we may net a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking a link, at no cost to you. Read our Disclosure Policy … [Read more...]
11 Celebrity Moms Who’ve Been in Prison
Although there are many more men in prison than women, the rate of growth for female imprisonment has been twice as high as that of men since 1980. Celebrities are not immune to any misfortune, including imprisonment, just ask these celebrity moms. 1. Martha Stewart – In March of 2004, The “Queen of Homemaking” Martha Stewart was found guilty of felony charges of conspiracy, obstruction of an … [Read more...]
33 Celebrities Who’ve Had Miscarriages
Miscarriage is the term used for a pregnancy that ends on its own, within the first 20 weeks of gestation, and, according to American Pregnancy Association, 10-25% of women experience this heartbreak. And although it’s the most common type of pregnancy loss, the impact felt is devastating, nonetheless. Below are 33 celebrity moms who’ve suffered through a miscarriage. 1. Carrie Underwood … [Read more...]
10 Anti Abortion Hollywood Moms
Celebrities tend to wear their voices on their sleeves when it comes to many issues. One hot topic that gets Hollywood talking is the abortion debate. We know of may pro-abortion celebs that regularly voice their opinion on the subject, but we don't hear of many anti-abortion celebs sharing their views. *This post contains affiliate links; we may net a small commission if you make a purchase … [Read more...]
12 Celebrities Who’ve Been Raped
Rape is a difficult subject to talk about and even more painful for the one who's suffered through such a horrible experience. According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network 68% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police. These famous moms lived through the nightmare of rape; some found justice, most did not, but hopefully their story will in some way bring encouragement to those … [Read more...]
10 Celebrity Couples Talk About the Importance of Church for Their Families
The moments we create with our children will last throughout their lives. These ten celebrity families are building memories with their kids by making church a meaningful tradition. 1. Giuliana and Bill Rancic - Rancic has gone through her share of trials with not only trying to conceive a child, but with her breast cancer battle. In 2012 she spoke to PEOPLE, "We go to church every Sunday. … [Read more...]
Celebrity Mothers Affected by Migraines
According to the Migraine Research Foundation a migraine is a severe recurring intense throbbing pain on one side of the head, and in about 1/3 of attacks, both sides are affected. Attacks are often accompanied by one or more of the following: visual disturbances, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, extreme sensitivity to sound, light, touch and smell, and tingling or numbness in the extremities or face. … [Read more...]
5 Celebrity Moms Who Have Their Own Apps in 2021
More and more celebrities are joining in on the entrepreneurial path and creating alternate income steams that fit their lifestyle, whether it be makeup lines, perfumes, restaurants or more. Check out these five celebrity moms who have their own apps. 1. Kim Kardashian (Hollywood) Join KIM KARDASHIAN on a red carpet adventure in Kim Kardashian: Hollywood! Create your own aspiring celebrity and … [Read more...]
11 Celebrities Talk Screen Time Balance
A 2014 study showed that removing smartphones and gadgets from children for just a few days immediately improves their social skills. Most parents can probably agree that technology is a great way to keep our little ones busy, while we take care of our needs, but it's oftentimes hard to know the proper rules to put in place when it comes to how much digital media is appropriate. Even celebrities … [Read more...]
Pregnant Celebrities Over 50!
When it comes to conception, people need not doubt the woman desiring to bear a child, for that desire is no respecter of person, or age. Unfortunately, it’s fertility that has the prejudice against older women, and perhaps for good reason in many cases, but thankfully there are moms out there who have beaten the odds and have even given Father Time a run for his money. Check out these pregnant … [Read more...]